Yep, I caved

Okay, the whole online dating thing… it has a stigma and it is so totally not cool right? I mean, wow… that is really putting yourself out there and who knows what you are going to find. I tried that once before remember? That is how this blog was birthed. The dreaded date. The one that was good enough to be made into a movie. Yep, that’s the one. Wow… Yikes, totally stereotypical online dating stuff. There was some good that came out of it. Nameless was not a horror story. It didn’t work, but that’s okay. It wasn’t the right person or the right time. 

So, what does that have to do with caving? Well, you know… It is the new year. I haven’t been on a date in over a year. I have loved every minute of my non dating, but I am starting to wonder how I am going to meet my person, so… I logged onto eharmony. I have had a profile for a while, but I didn’t have any desire to pay their prices and I certainly wasn’t prepared to put in the work, but my curiosity got the best of me, so I logged in and when I did… It happened! The big yellow banner that said $5.95/mo for 3 months… That is like a smokin deal for eharmony, so I mulled it over. I went back and forth, well that isn’t true, it was primarily a no UNTIL… in walks my best friend who ever so gently encouraged me to take advantage of this offer. I mean it is a super great deal and who knows… maybe Mr. Right answered the big yellow banners call as well. So, here I am. Officially on a dating site for 3 months and so far… I AM NOT IMPRESSED!


Sometimes I must shake my head at myself.  I do some odd things. Maybe one day my dreamer personality will pay off. For now… hopefully I will have some fun stories on my journey to the land of love and wedding bands.

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